Friday 23 September 2011

UARS reentry update, 23 Sept (5)

UARS reentry update, 23 Sept 21:20 UTC
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SatEvo software with the latest orbital elements projects the re-entry at nominally 5:25 UTC (24th), so the time is slightly moving away again from 6+ UTC towards an earlier time.

Harro Zimmer predicts, using a more sophisticated model, 4:15 UTC +/- 90 minutes.

I covered the 21:05 UTC pass here, maximum altitude 57 degrees. It was a pass completely is shadow, so UARS would only be visible if it was already developing plasma phenomena. I did not see it (using both camera, and visually wityh 10 x 50 binoculars) so it isn't glowing yet.

click diagram to enlarge

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