Early July 2011, the perigee had come down to 450 km and the Mean Motion (the number of orbital revolutions per day) is steadfastily increasing as the orbit becames more narrow:

The predicted decay date keeps shifting back and forth, being highly dependant on solar activity. Solar activity has been back to modest the past two months. As a result, the decay date forecast has shifted further away in time.
If solar activity does not increase, forecasted decay will be in late 2013 (SatEvo with current solar flux F10.7 cm = 85, elset 11184.15154535). If it does increase - which is likely, as we are on the approach to a solar maximum - it will be earlier, possibly as early as mid-2012.

Meanwhile, it is interesting to see how the still active sister-ship IGS 1A (2003-009A), launched in the same 2003 launch, is faring. Above diagram shows the evolution of the orbital inclination. IGS 1B's orbital inclination is clearly drifting, consistent with loss of control. IGS 1A's orbital inclination initially was allowed to co-drift with IGS 1B, but then altered in a manoeuvre mid-2008 that brought the inclination up again, to match the other IGS-es in the constellation. As of 2010, it is kept more or less steady, librating around a value of 97.39 degrees, the sun-synchronous value for a 487 x 498 km orbit.
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