The first capture of the latter object was when I was waiting for its rocket launcher (IGS 4r/R2r, 07-005C) on the night of May 17-18. Suddenly a bright (+2) object appeared 2 minutes before 07-005C should, following a similar trajectory. I made a photograph and then found out it was the A component.
Due to a goof from my side I initially thought it was the optical satellite (due to it having the "A" designation, analogue to IGS 1A, 03-009A) and hence was surprised to find it was so bright. Only later I realized it is the (intrinsically brighter) radar sat.
Keyhole USA 161 (01-044A) was observed flaring on the 18th at 00:12:50 UTC (-1.5, slow) and 00:14:13 UTC (-1, short).
USA 193 (06-057A) was bright.
Lacrosse 5 (05-016A) was elusive. On the 18th, it initially was +2 low in the sky but then quickly faded beyond vision for much of the pass.
Below are trail images of the "new" IGS 4A/R2, it's rocket 4R/R2r cruising through Lyra, Lacrosse 3 cruising amongst the Coma cluster stars, and an Iridium flare in twilight.
(click images to enlarge)