Monday, 13 July 2009

ISS and Progress chasing each other

This evening I finally was able to see the ISS and the recently decoupled Progress M-02 M (09-024A) cargoship chasing each other over the sky. The couple was some 20 degrees apart, with the Progress leading. A very neat sight.

The Progress was around +2.5 to +3, ISS attained about -3.5 and was distinctly orange. The photo below shows the couple while still low in the sky, ascending in the west.

I also observed USA 161 (01-044A) passing east some 10 minutes later.

(click image to enlarge)


  1. marco,
    excellent picture, wish I could see it . regards
    Gerhard Groenewald

  2. great post thx for sharing

  3. Leek maar wel enthousiast16/7/09 21:33

    Zaterdagavond de 11e juli zag ik het ook maar toen wist ik nog niet wat ik zag. Sinds de twisstalert verrek ik mijn hemel is mooi.
    Alleen jammer dat ik niet weet wat ik zie gisteren zag ik wel 2 satellieten, denk ik want de ISS ging de andere kant op : -)


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